What to do now ?
boblion, Mar 30 2009
Ok so as you could see in my previous blog i'm now broke on Titan after 650+ games and my 30 starting euros from pokerstrategy are now 0.03 euros.
Basicly i was even at 1+0.20$ sng after 600+ games. Yea i know that's not enough to be considered a decent player and of course not a winning player. It was 6 players sng btw.
Then i was tired of being even and raped by rake so i tried 5$+0.5 sng and got raped by variance ( a real bitch imo ).
Still being ~0% Roi when you start poker for the first time on tables with 20% rake is not that bad. I still have faith in myself and i believe i can improve and moreover i enjoy this game so i will keep playing poker.
So basicly i need to find another room and a cool starting bonus because i don't want to sart deposing money online ( i would feel so fishy ).
What i need:
- a room with LOW rake on micro-sng or NL2 ( if i try again cash game )
Pokerstars is the best right ?
If so i have more questions:
With this bonus i get 50$ bonus if i deposit 50$ right ?
Then i have to play and get points to "unlock" the bonus ?
Pokerstars have no rake back right ? They give you points to buy goodies in their store right ?
If so how many points you get for each $ of rake and what is the value of those points ( in $ ) if you want to buy their goods ?
Is this offer better than the "tell a friend" for me ? What's the difference ?
My goals:
- Being like >5%ROI on micro sng
- Buying cool softwares with the money i won to get better at sng.
- If i fail start NL2 again ( is stopped because i enjoyed more sng )
- Being EV+ and buy Poker tracker with the money i won.
If i fail again i could quit poker happy without having spend 0.01$ of my own money 
P-S sorry for poor English.
boblion, Mar 29 2009

Can't beat Nl 2 6 max looooool
boblion, Nov 07 2008
So because i was tired to being raped by rake at 1$ micro sng for a 0-1% Roi, i decided to move to 5$ sng ( "only" 10% rake here loooool )
Since i had only 15 buy-in it was clearly not a good decision. Variance was too high for my br and nerves hopefully i didnt lost money.
Instead i decided to try cash game with my 35euros left.
I was only rolled for NL2 and i chose 6 max like the sng i used to play.
Now the nightmare begins. I'm not good at poker, i'm a beginner and i knew it. But everybody told me " Why u play SNg u stupid, cash game is EZ"
Well, actually cash game is way harder.
I can't beat this limit. I tried to play deep ( 5$) and it doesnt work for me. I spew too much vs short stackers, and i always run bad in deep vs deep confrontations, and i can't afford to lose my whole stack.
Then i tried with 2$ and it doesnt work either. Deep people have really wide ranges and are tricky and short stackers are so agressive
Tips ?
Should i play full ring ?
What are the hand that i should play ?
- i try to limp pairs < 77 if it isnt too expensive
- I will raise pairs > 77
- i might try to limp KK or AA vs one opponent
- i raise Ax(s) ( low x ) if i have position ortherwise i usually limp or fold ( depending on position again )
- i raise AJ/AQ/AK in all positions
- I might limp or raise JT(s), QJ(s), KQ(s) depending on position too.
- i might try to limp the other kind of hands if nobody raises.
Is it ok ? too calling station ?
Also i have big troubles to fold a top pair or a double pair and i tend to spew too much for draws 
Obvious leaks that i need to improve.
I have tried a new rule. I start a table with 2$ and i try to leave when i get to 3$. Is it a good idea ?
Also i play on 3 tables at the same time. I might try 4 if my br increases but i'm quite bad at multi-tasking ( low apm p user ;D ).
Help or i will have to cash out / play donkaments again. .
I have too many leaks ...
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